CRL - Community Rail Lancashire



Rufford station, a typical country halt, is situated on the edge of Rufford village surrounded with fertile fields. The village itself is very spread but the  many white walled cottages are very attractive. A well known attraction close to the railway is Rufford Old Hall, the ancestral home of the Hesketh family. This 16th century Tudor building is one of the finest examples of this type of building in Lancashire and its hammer beamed roof of the Great Hall is outstanding.

St  Mary’s Wharf sits close to the station adjacent to the Rufford Branch of the Leeds Liverpool canal and is well known locally for fine food. There are many attractive walks around the village and along the canal towpath.

History Posters

A history poster has been prepared for Rufford station and this can be viewed by clicking on the thumbnail below or on this link: History Posters

Mere Sands Wood

A project to support the Friends of Rufford Station and Rufford Church of England Primary School, to promote travelling by train to Rufford Station and visiting the woodland and water ponds of Mere Sands Wood is nearing completion and a leaflet has been produced by local artist Karen Allerton based on the art work created by the children in a number of sessions in school. The leaflet can be downloaded on this link Rufford to Mere Sands Wood Leaflet




Rufford Station
Church Road
L40 1TB

Grid Reference

SD 466155 – for a map visit and enter the grid reference.


Northern (DOHL)


+  Unstaffed station
+ Ticket Vending Machine
+  Hourly service to Preston and Ormskirk
+  Waiting shelters
+  Additional seating on platforms
+  Car park (20 spaces)
+  Long Line Public Address

Other Information

+  Bus stops on Liverpool Road (Hesketh Arms) – click here for bus timetables
+  Rail User Group – Ormskirk, Preston & Southport Travellers Association
+  Friends of Station – visit for more details
+  Rufford Old Hall (National Trust) is about 20 minutes walk away from the station – click here for more information


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