CRL - Community Rail Lancashire

Guided Walks

Guided Walks

Community Rail Lancashire in partnership with the Lancashire Rail Ramblers and the Friends of the Settle Carlisle Line arrange a number of guided walks through out the year. These start and end at stations on community rail lines including the Settle to Carlisle line.

The Community Rail Lancashire walks programme includes walks that cover all four of CRL’s constituent CRPs. These walks are compiled by the Lancashire Rail Ramblers and details of the current season of walks can be seen below.

Community Rail Lancashire Guided Walks (Summer & Autumn 2024)

Train times in the above leaflet are correct at time of publication. For details of train times from your local station to join our walks see the relevant Northern timetables.

Timetable 9 covers York, Leeds & Colne to Preston & Blackpool.
Timetable 12 covers Manchester to Blackburn & Clitheroe (direct).
Timetable 36 covers Manchester to Blackburn via the Todmorden Curve.
Timetables are available to download online from, and

The following stations are request stops: Burnley Barracks, Entwistle, Hapton and Pleasington – speak to the conductor if you wish to alight at these stations.

Walks arranged with the cooperation of Lancashire Rail Ramblers

These programmes are prepared by John G. Barnes, email:

There is also a new programme of monthly Rail Ramblers walks available and the programme can be downloaded on the link below:

Yorkshire Dales Explorer Guided Walks 2024 – Led by the Lancashire Rail Ramblers

There are aeries of guided walks programmes available that cover the Settle to Carlisle Line and the Bentham Line and these can be seen on the links below:

Friends of DalesRail Walks – 2024

Friends of the Settle Carlisle Line (FoSCL) Walks – Spring 2024  

Any prospective walkers should make themselves familiar with the Countryside Code which can be downloaded by clicking HERE. The Countryside Code gives common sense advice to help everybody respect, protect and enjoy the countryside. It is also there to support local communities who live and work in the countryside.

Five simple messages summarise the Code:

1. Be safe – plan ahead and follow any signs
2. Leave gates and property as you find them
3. Protect plants and animals and take your litter home
4. Keeps dogs under close control
5. Consider other people

The Code applies to all parts of the countryside in England.