CRL - Community Rail Lancashire

West Meets East 29 May 2024

On Wednesday 29th May the ladies from Rufford Station took the train (and rail replacement bus!) from Rufford in West Lancashire to Accrington in East Lancashire, to visit Accrington’s station adoption group, Stations of Welcome.

They had a tour of Accrington Eco Station, the community garden and were treated to a Pakistani lunch made by Stations of Welcome. Both groups of women then walked to Raza Jamia Mosque for a tour of the beautiful building where many of the members of Stations of Welcome worship. Both groups had a great day learning about each other and are looking forward to meeting again soon. 

Susan Morrey from the Rufford ladies group said: ”We all really enjoyed our visit to Accrington today. You made us very welcome, we had a delicious lunch, all homemade by yourselves. Please thank the ladies again for us. Your mosque is amazing with all the marble flooring and marble walls, it was very interesting to hear about your faith and customs. A big thank you to you all.”

Shameem Hussain from Stations of Welcome said: ”We had been looking forward to hosting the ladies from Rufford since Community Rail Week last year when we visited Rufford. We had such a nice day over there that we really wanted to be able to show the ladies around our area too. It’s nice to know that we might belong to different communities, but we have so much in common!”