CRL - Community Rail Lancashire

South Fylde Art Project Gets Underway

The South Fylde Line CRP and Heyhouses School art project got underway yesterday when the bird boxes designed and built by the children were installed at St. Anne’s station.

Working with artist Julie Norman from Parkview4U the Year 4 children from Heyhouses Primary School in St. Anne’s have designed and created environmentally friendly beach themed bird boxes and butterfly houses in class.

On Tuesday 18th April 30 children (out of the 90 participating in the project) walked to the station to have their bird boxes and butterfly houses fitted, the children have made a variety of homes for different types of birds including ones for robins and wrens, some of these were attached to the trees and others to the fencing on the platforms, the next phase of the project is the children planting and putting their beach themed pebbles at the station!


Work is continuing on the final stages of the project with the children designing kite themed artwork to be installed as running in boards at the station to help promote the annual Kite Festival that takes place on the beach close the pier in St. Anne’s.