CRL - Community Rail Lancashire

Rose Grove Revived Bid Success

The Rose Grove Revived project has had a boost. A bid for funding to the Designated Community Rail Development Fund (DCRDF) has been successful.

The Association of Community Rail Partnerships (ACoRP) have just advised us that the bid for £4.7k towards a total project cost of £9.4k has been agreed. The funding will support art work that is being added at the entrance and on the platform area following the work to rejuvenate the station (see for full details). The money will go part way towards funding the following:

  • To fund an artist who will work with the two local schools;
  • Carry out 6 sessions at each school;
  • Introduce both schools to the local railway and take them on a train journey – Padiham Green are visiting Manchester using the new service;
  • Develop art work for display at the station;
  • Develop an 8 minute animation based on the pupils art work;
  • Produce a z-card;
  • Produce a book based on the pupils art work and associated story;
  • Produce two special ‘running – in’ boards, one for each school, that will be erected at the station;
  • Using designs prepared by the pupils develop a steel structure for erection at the entrance to the station; and
  • A 3xDR branded notice board.

The Designated Community Rail Development Fund (DCRDF) is sponsored by the Department of Transport, Network Rail and ACoRP and helps provide funding for development of community rail lines that have been designated as part of the Government’s Community Rail Strategy.