CRL - Community Rail Lancashire

Railway Confidence Programme Gets Government Recognition

Community Rail Lancashire is delighted that our Community Rail Award-winning Railway Confidence Programmes have been featured in the government’s newly-released ‘A Connected Society; a strategy for tackling loneliness – laying the foundations for change’.

Our programme engages young people with special educational needs and disabilities. We help 4 to 18 year-olds to become confident in all aspects of rail travel, and also provide young people with employment experiences to assist them in considering career options, including in the rail industry.
By giving participants the opportunity to access rail, Community Rail Lancashire encourages the idea of all young people, including those with special educational needs and disabilities, using rail to access greater opportunities in life, helping to build a more inclusive society.
We are always delighted to work with new groups – to get in touch with us, email or call 01254 386 579.

Read our feature on page 41 below – “