CRL - Community Rail Lancashire

Northern Seed Corn Bid Successes

Community Rail Lancashire is pleased to announce that it has been successful in two bids into Arriva Rail North’s (Northern’s) Seed Corn Fund for two projects being led by Karen Bennett, one of CRL’s Community Rail Education Development Officers.

The first project, Reasoning Express, is a pilot project that seeks to engage 8 – 10 Bradford primary schools with the railway through the medium of mathematics. If successful, it could be used with primary schools in other areas. Many primaries would like to have railway safety sessions but feel there is little time on the curriculum, through this project, schools could meet curriculum objectives whilst learning about railway travel and safety too.

The second project, Storysacks, to going to use the old seat fabric from refurbished Northern trains and turn it into story sacks that can be sent to schools via Community Rail Partnerships. The making of the sacks will be completed by vulnerable groups who are susceptible to being lonely. The sessions of making the sacks will promote rail use to such groups. It is hoped that the project will inspire a love of reading in Key Stage 1 pupils and generate an interest in the railway and their local Community Rail Partnership.

For more information about either of these projects please contact Karen Bennett on 01254 386579 or email