Yesterday, 17th September 2018, saw a group of Northern apprentices present projects they have been working on to their managers in CRL’s community room at Burnley Manchester Road.
Over the last twelve months eleven Arriva Rail North (Northern) apprentices have been working with Community Rail Lancashire on two projects at stations. The apprentices were spilt into two groups with one working on a project at Burnley Manchester Road station and one at Blackburn station.
Brightening Up Burnley
Following research including passenger surveys set about brightening up the platform areas of the station at Burnley Manchester Road. The project included:
+ A canal themed five rise lock planter – the station is very close to the Leeds Liverpool Canal;
+ Welcome to Burnley signage – individual letters on Dibond with art work designed by local school children; and
+ A silhouette ‘hand tree’ sculpture featuring the hand prints of each child in the class
- Apprentices with the canal locks installation at Burnley
Bring Blackburn Back
Again passenger surveys and other research led this group to thinking about art work, signage and additional planters. The final project will include:
+ A giant 2.75m x 1.5m piece of Dibond artwork featuring past, present & future as envisaged by local school children;
+ A welcome to Blackburn map developed in partnership with Blackburn with Darwen Council;
+ Revamped dementia friendly station and street signage to help with finding the way around the station and to the bus station: and
+ Recycled plastic planter and seating units installed on the platform areas.
- dav
Funding for the various elements of both projects have been found through grants from ACoRP’s Designated Community Rail Development Fund (DCRDF), Arriva Rail North’s Seed Corn Fund, Community Rail Lancashire and Blackburn with Darwen Council.