CRL - Community Rail Lancashire

LLMCRP Annual General Meeting

The Annual General Meeting of the Leeds to Morecambe CRP Co. Ltd. was held in the Furness & Midland Hall at Carnforth Heritage Centre on Thursday 9th July 2015.

The meeting saw Gerald Townson re-elected as Chair of the partnership along with Northern Rail’s Pete Myers as Vice Chair. David Alder remains as Secretary and Treasurer and Simon Clarke continues in his role as Community Rail Development Officer. The Management Committee also remains unchanged from 2014/15.

During the meeting the Chair gave his annual report and the highlights are listed below:

During the last year LLMCRP signed a tripartite lease with Northern Rail and Network Rail to secure the lease on the station building at Bentham and this is now the home of the CRP and the Friends of Bentham Station (FoBS);

LLMCRP and the FoBS are continuing to work with schools;

The CRP continues to work with the community and along with FoBS are involved in ‘A Day In The Life Of Bentham’, one of the largest community engagement projects that the line has seen;

Successful installation of a high specification, but low cost, CCTV system at Bentham station;

Working with Northern Rail’s marketing team have published a line guide and posters and have just launched ‘Rail to Trail’ a series of 12 self-guided walks (see news pages);

A PDF of the full report can be downloaded by clicking HERE.

The meeting also confirmed that the company would continue to bank with The Co-operative Bank and that the appointed auditors would continue to be Haworth’s Financial Services Ltd. of Accrington. The meeting also ratified the 2015/16 Action Plan of the CRP and also agreed that following the promise of increased funding streams that a review be carried out of the management structure of the company. The increased funding also means that the CRP can now move forward in appointing a part time Partnership Officer to support the work of the existing Community Rail Development Officer.