CRL - Community Rail Lancashire

Kirkham & Wesham History Poster Unveiled

On a beautiful summer’s day yesterday the South Fylde Line CRP unveiled the latest station history poster at Kirkham & Wesham.

Unveiling the history poster at Kirkham & Wesham – photo Caroline Holden

The event was attended by Tony Ford and Vince Settle, Chair and Vice Chair respectively of the South Fylde Line CRP, along with Caroline Holden and Simon Clarke from Community Rail Lancashire. Also in attendance were Debbie, Rachel, Jo and Peter from Grow Kirkham who act as Friends of the Station, Martin Keating, Northern’s Regional Community & Sustainability Manager (West) and finally local photographer and railway historian Peter Fitton without whom the history posters along this route would not be possible.

Kirkham & Wesham Station History Poster

The South Fylde Line CRP would like to thank the following people for their help: Peter Fitton for providing photographs from his extensive collection and the text for the poster. Simon Clarke for preparing the track diagram using Peter’s hand drawn version, and finally Grow Kirkham for all their hard work in looking after the station and keeping it litter free and the flower beds in good order.

This and over 50 other station history posters can been on this website using this link: