CRL - Community Rail Lancashire

Kids In The Kitchen Revisited

Kids in the Kitchen is a initiative originally launched at Easter 2020 by the Lancashire And Region Dietary Education Resource (The Larder) to get children learning about cooking. Whilst some of the recipes are linked to Easter there is still plenty to do during the continuing Covid-19 lockdown.


Volunteers from The Larder have made a series of videos that are on their YouTube Channel and these simple to follow recipes can be used to create some fantastic food.

The YouTube channel can be found here:

The individual recipes can be watched by clicking the links below and there are some easy to follow PDF recipe cards that can be downloaded as well.

Pineapple & Chickpea curry

Download the PDF here: Pineapple and Chickpea curry

Game of Scones pizza

Download the PDF here: Game of Scones pizza

Return of The Mac-N-Cheese

Download the PDF here: Return of The Mac-N-Cheese

Hop Scotch Drop Scones

Download the PDF here: Hop-Scotch Drop Scones

Cheesy Shepherdess Pie

Download the PDF here: Cheesy Shepherdess Pie

Fam-A-Lam Fit Frittata

Download the PDF here: Fam-A-Lam Fit Frittata

In Fritters We Trust

Download the PDF here: In Fritters We Trust

Squish Squash Soup

Download the PDF here: Squish Squash Soup

Banana-Rama Easter Cake

Download the PDF here: Banana-Rama Easter Cake

Tomato & Lentil Soup and Egg-cellent Easter Biscuits (same video)

Download the PDFs here: Tomato and Lentil Soup & Egg-cellent Easter Biscuits

Super-Cauliflower Cheese Expialidocious

And finally one with no video so far but download the PDF here: Super-Cauliflower Cheese Expialidocious

These and a host of other activities to do during the Covid-19 lock down period can be found on our sister website using the link here: