CRL - Community Rail Lancashire

Friends Group Makes Scrubs

Some of the Friends of St. Annes Station, along with businesses in the town, have been busy making medical staff scrubs for Blackpool Victoria Hospital.

Shellene & Christine hand over scrubs to Tracy from Linen Services

Shellene Dival and Christine Holland volunteers with the Friends group visited the hospital to hand over the scrubs to Tracy from Linen Services.

Blackpool Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust said:

Thank you so much to Bizzie Fingers, Dragon’s Den, the Vintage Sewing Bunny and the Friends of St. Annes Station, all businesses from St Annes, who have kindly made some scrubs for our staff!

Shellene Dival and Christine Holland helped sew the scrubs together and handed them over to Tracy from the linen service. They handed over 30 Scrubs today and are making more for the Trust.

Thank you also for other donations from the community – we are so grateful!

Tony Ford, Chair of the Friends of Station group noted that volunteers are also making face masks.