CRL - Community Rail Lancashire

Destination Education Bid Success

Community Rail Lancashire have just heard that they have been successful in securing a £1000 grant from the Designated Community Rail Development Fund for its Destination Education project.

Arriva Rail North have asked CRL to extend their award winning education work to the other routes across Lancashire with an eventual aim of rolling out, as best practise, the programme to other CRPs across the North.

Destination Education is a project that will promote the expansion of the education programme through publicity on stations. The DCRDF grant will be used for the design and printing of two generic posters, one being in a modern photographic style and the second being in a traditional, illustrative style.

The posters along with leaflets that have already been produced will be used at stations and events to demonstrate the type of work CRL carries out at its Education Resource Centre at Accrington. The posters will be designed to encourage people to visit the existing CRL website along with the new ‘Down the Line’ website, which is in the final stages of development.

The additional publicity will also help to drive school/college interest in the CRL’s Education Programme, which has as its aims: increasing ridership, raising awareness of rail safety and educating passengers of the future.         

The Designated Community Rail Development Fund (DCRDF) is supported by the Department for Transport and the Association of Community Rail Partnerships and is an annual funding stream for community rail lines that have been designated as a part of the government’s Community Rail Strategy.