Northern’s ComREG (Community Rail Executive) group meet in Manchester on Wednesday 12th December. The group had a busy agenda and below is a quick summary of some of the highlights:
+ Carolyn Watson, Communities & Sustainability Director, has now returned from maternity leave and was back in the chair for the meeting.
+ Kate Burke attended the meeting. Kate has taken over from Megan Townsend and will be the community rail contact for network Rail going forward.
+ Carolyn confirmed that funding for CRPs over the next three financial years will be £25k per CRP index linked from 2019/20 to 2021/22.
+ Northern is planning to undertake a review of the Service Level Commitment that all CRPs have agreed and to look at its community rail policy. Views on the SLC and review were invited by Carolyn by the beginning of January.
+ The meeting heard an excellent presentation from Thomas Shaw one of Northern’s apprentices who had spent part of his apprenticeship developing a project at Blackburn with Community Rail Lancashire. The project at Burnley was launched ion the 25th September and at Blackburn on the 26th September and have already featured as news items. A copy of the presentation can be downloaded.
+ The meeting received reports from the area representatives and the those for the west and central areas can be downloaded along with a detailed update on CRLs education engagement programme.
The next meeting will take place on the 6th February, 2019.
Copies of the various reports can be downloaded here:
Central Region December Report