CRL - Community Rail Lancashire

Community Rail Awards 2020

Community Rail Lancashire is pleased to announce that it has been notified that it has six short-listed entries for the 2020 National Community Rail Awards.

The six are:

Category 1 – Involving Children & Young People Ticket to Pride

Category 2 – Involving Diverse Groups From Seats to Sacks

Category 3 – Community Art Schemes, Permanent & Larger ProjectsHorizons

Category 3 – Community Art Schemes, Renewable & Smaller Projects #BeeFreeMCR

Category 6 – Best Community Engagement Project Women in STEM

Category 8 – Influencing Positive Change & Sustainable Development The Autism-Friendly Line

Click the links for more details of each project!


To see the full details of all short-listed entries visit the Community Rail Network’s website on

Community Rail Lancashire would like to wish all those with short-listed entries the best of luck in the virtual Community Rail Awards later in the year.