CRL - Community Rail Lancashire

Children’s Photographic Workshop

Pupils from Bentham Primary School learn about photography in a workshop.

In order to encourage children to get involved in the ‘Day In The Life Of Bentham’ project a workshop was held for Class 4 pupils at Bentham Primary School. Veronica Caperon led the workshop that showed the children the basics of photography and concentrated on colour, shape and texture.

Two montages of the workshop and photographs the children took on the day can be seen by clicking the links.


The Day In The Life Of Bentham is a photographic competition and exhibition. On Wednesday 29th July 2015 the Friends of Bentham Station (FoBS) are asking everyone in Bentham to take photographs of anywhere, anyone or any event in the whole parish between the hours of 00:00 & 23:59:59. The photographs will be posted on a gallery page linked to the ‘We Are Bentham’ local trader’s association Facebook pages, as well as the FoBS and CRL websites.

The project is being supported by the Friends of Bentham Station, the Leeds, Lancaster & Morecambe CRP, Community Rail Lancashire, Champion Bowland, the Association of Community Rail Partnerships, We Are Bentham, the Bentham News, North Yorkshire County Council, Bentham Imaging and Northern Rail.