CRL - Community Rail Lancashire

Book Exchange

Fancy a good read on your train journey? You can now pick up a good quality second hand book from Accrington station in a scheme to support the Railway Children charity. All we ask of you is that if you take book, please bring one back and put a donation in the charity collection box. The scheme is being overseen by Neil from Sheridan’s coffee cart in the foyer and Steve in the booking office.

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Railway Children is an international children’s charity, that fights for vulnerable children who live alone at risk on the streets, where they suffer abuse and exploitation.

In the UK, society often denies their existence, and in other countries the problem is so prevalent that it has become ‘normal’.

They run away or are forced to leave homes where they suffer poverty, violence, abuse and neglect. They find themselves living on the streets (and railway station platforms) because there is nowhere else to go and no one left to turn to. The problems they face on the streets are often even worse than those they endured at home. Every day we fight to change their story.

Railway Children race to reach children as soon as they arrive on the streets and intervene before an abuser can. Our pioneering work enables us to get to street children before the streets get to them.

Vist the Railway Children website for more details:

The book exchange has raised more than £20 for the Railway Children so far!