CRL - Community Rail Lancashire

Bentham Station Celebration

Friday 11th September 2015 saw the fourth anniversary of the formation of the Friends of Bentham Station.

The anniversary celebrations were also used to mark the official opening of Bentham Station as the home of the Leeds, Lancaster & Morecambe Community Rail Partnership and of the Friends group.

The event was well attended with around 40 people making it on the day, including senior industry guests Kulvinder Bassi from the Department for Transport, Alex Hynes, MD of Northern Rail, Pete Myers, Northern Rail’s Client & Stakeholder Manager, Roy Greenhalgh from Network Rail and Brian Barnsley, ACoRP’s Operations Manager.

A good number of the Friends of Bentham were on hand along with members of the Lancaster & Skipton Rail User Group and representatives from the CRP. A number of the industry guests made speeches and the building was declared ‘officially open’.

A presentation of the ‘People’s Choice’ from the Day In The Life Of Bentham photographic competition exhibition was made to Dominic Blake for his winning entry ‘Bentham Rock’. This was followed by a buffet lunch prepared by the ladies from the Friends group.