CRL - Community Rail Lancashire

Be A Gem At Home

Whilst many of us aren’t able to go about our normal day-to-day, we can still be a community and get creative!

One of the most positive aspects of Community Rail, is funnily enough working with the community.

Over the past several years, Community Rail Partnerships up and down the UK have produced amazing pieces of art work with their local communities.  Often, the drive behind the project is to eliminate social isolation. Vulnerable groups have been able to work together to create pieces which have been displayed at railway stations.  Not only does this art work improve the look of a station, but in fact vandalism usually decreases there too!

Just because so many of us are having to spend time in our homes, Community Rail Lancashire feels it shouldn’t stop us from putting another community art project together.  In fact, during these uncertain times, a project that brings people together is needed even more so.

Anyone can take part in this project.  Simply download a template, fill it with all the things you love.  It could be friends and family, the sea or cake!  Maybe even design a pattern which makes you happy. Choose whichever medium you prefer.  Paint, sketch, collage, crochet or knit.  We will post some ideas on this page over the coming weeks.

Once you have finished, send us a photo of your design to our email: or tag us on Instagram or twitter using the hashtag #beagem

Once we are able to do so, we will collate our favourite designs and display them at railway stations along our lines.

We would also love to hear all the different ways we can all Be a Gem – especially during these unprecedented times.  Let us know what’s happening in your community on!

Click this link to download the template