CRL - Community Rail Lancashire

News From CRL September 2020

Community Rail Lancashire has just published its Autumn Report covering the period from July to September 2020.

Richard Watts, Chair of CRL says: ‘Welcome to this update covering the work of the Community Rail Lancashire team.’

Richard went on to say: ‘Despite living through unprecedented times, the team have been far from idle. Innovation, creativity and thinking outside the box have been the team watch words. I applaud them for the excellent work they have done which you can read as you go through this newsletter/update. As before I have asked each team member to briefly update on what they have been doing since the last newsletter and I hope you will find this interesting and stimulating. I would also like to thank the CRL Board and CRP Chairs for their positive encouragement and help they give the team.’

Hidden Gems art work at Blundell Sands & Crosby – Simon Clarke

To read the full report click this link: News from CRL September 2020