CRL - Community Rail Lancashire

A New Tales From DalesRail

The DalesRail would have ended by now and the boots put away for another year. This is the fallow period where plans are laid for the next season and CRL certainly hopes that there will be a 2021 season.

However, it is still possible to share what you like about DalesRail such as your favourite walk or the most interesting places you have visited. So please keep sending your emails through to me at

DalesRail service at Hellifield, September 1994 – Craig Ward

In the meantime, take a look at the latest Tale from DalesRail called ‘A Great Walk from Hellifield’ written and illustrated by John Barnes and including a large section from the writings of Jessica Lofthouse. I hope you enjoy it. There are of course plenty of other tales so take a look at the growing list and browse them at your leisure as the nights draw in.