Community Rail Lancashire’s Accrington ‘Bunker’ has recently hosted visitors from ‘down south’.
Sarah Deakin from Kent CRP and Vicky Cropper from GWR have both made the journey north to look at CRL’s approach to working with children. Sarah visited on the day of a school visit and was soon allocated a group of children to work with and complete the activities.
Vicky arrived on a day with no school booked but was given a run down on a typical school visit. She was also given a tour of some of the local stations which CRL have carried out major projects on including community and schools artwork.
Both reported that they thoroughly enjoyed the day and have gone away with ideas to try out on their own areas.
CRL now looks forward to another unusual international visit in the coming weeks from teachers and pupils from LICANG NO2 EXPERIMENTAL PRIMARY SCHOOL in QINGDAO which is in North East China.
A number of pupils and teachers are scheduled to visit the Bunker where they will take part in some of CRL’s educational programme.