CRL - Community Rail Lancashire

Lancashire Rail Ramblers

Saturday 12 October 2024 sees the volunteers from the Lancashire Rail Rambler leading two guided walks in the Windermere area.

View from Orrest Head – photo © Lake District Foundation

Two guided walks led by the volunteers form the Lancashire Rail Ramblers in the Windermere area. Walk 1 is a moderate C walk of 11 miles. Alight Windermere return Staveley. Walk 2 is a moderate E walk of 7.5 miles. Alight and return Windermere. For both walks catch the 09:45 service form Preston to Windermere. Full details on this link Lancashire Rail Rambler Guided Walks Autumn/Winter 2024/25

Travel details – meet at Preston station in time to catch the 09:45 train direct to Windermere.